Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hot woman in a cold place

I'm back in Norway after our cruise. Unfortunately I have gotten a terrible flue that has put me in bed for a week. Today the fever has peeked at 104.9 and I feel quite exhausted and HOT! My hubby is away and my awesome 12 year old is taking very good care of me. Outside it is MINUS 10 degrees Fahrenheit and I'm grateful my home is warm and comfortable. I'm hoping to find my bloginspiration soon. Until then: take care and be blessed y'all (hey...I used to live in Tulsa!)

I took this photo out my kitchen window today before I crashed on our couch. It is quite beautiful here!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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Elaine said...


Bluggi buggi blogg said...

God bedring til deg. Håper du snart er frisk og pigg igjen.
Trude :)

Formerly known as Frau said...

Gorgeous picture....I hope you are feeling better soon. Happy New Year!

Les Cotrions said...

I hope you'll feel better soon and you find your inspiration!
Take care!

The Old Parsonage said...

Take care and feel better soon!

Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

OMSIDER har jeg tatt utfordringen din, kjære! Så kom og støtt meg på siden min, er du grei... jeg har trolig tråkket over interiørbloggegrensen.... ;-)

Miss Moneypenny said...

Jo, takk, da din pappa fortalte om bloggingen din ble jeg nysgjerrig og inspirert. Så jeg kan ikke mye om dette fenomenet ennå, men jeg ble som sagt inspirert av deg, og kopierte sågar litt av teksten din for å komme igang. Forhåpentligvis blir jeg litt mer selvgående etterhvert. Fant jo ut at vi hadde noe til felles akkurat DER. Fikk dere forresten den Nespressomaskinen dere blgget om? Jeg har nemlig en "hemmelig mentor", som gav meg en til jul. Veldig glad for den. En venn i verden man kan stole på når alt annet går galt, og sannsynligvis vil jeg ha en liten inntekt fremover på å markedsføre sminken han er levrandør for (e.l.f.) (den er forresten veldig bra, he, he)derfor jeg trengte denne bloggen litt raskt...
avslutningsvis vil jeg bare nevne at den historien din fra Spania (om grandma' Paris Hilton),var helt ubetalelig. Har vist den til mange på jobb. Vi holdt på å dø av latter!! Speak soon!! love xxx
PS! Bli en "follower, da vel!!"

Chrisy said...

So pleased you're in a warm home...hope that the fever has passed and you are feeling well again...

Anonymous said...

Hey isn't there some "Norwegian bug" you can catch on cruise ships ;) Just kidding. I love cruising. Your blog is fantastic! I do hope you feel better soon.... blessings!

Bethany said...

You are Wonder Woman for being able to type through the flu! Happy SITS day!

Marie said...

hope you start feeling better soon so you can go out and play with your 12 year old. great blog. you have done an amazing job keep it up. visiting from sits. said...

So sorry to hear you are feeling bad on your SITS Day ... hope you get lots of rest and stay Warm...

Jamie said...

I hope you are feeling better by now. I'll check back tomorrow and see if you've done your SITS post. Happy SITS day!

Dawn said...

What a wonderfully beautiful picture!!
Hope you feel better soon!
Happy SITS day!

Randa Derkson said...

Beautiful photo, stopping by from SITS

Gigi said...

Wish you all the best in getting well. I love that picture from the sofa.
Great art and design on the blog.

Debra Hawkins said...

You are Norwegian born? I love you already! Do you live there now? Seriously, I want to talk to you. said...

Hope by now that you are feeling better! That's a high temp! My goodness! Take care of yourself. love the pics on your blog. Visiting from SITS!


Christine Macdonald said...

I hope you feel better soon and congrats on the SITS! I love your blog! :)

Miles Of Style said...

Sending you get well soon hugs SITSa!

p.s i luvvvv the way u have done up ur blog...esp ur header - it is awesome!

have a great day xo.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful view!
One like that certainly would make for sweeter living, huh? :):)

--- In From SITS

Rachel Cotterill said...

I hope you're feeling better soon! Came by to say hello on your SITS day; you have a very pretty blog & I'm off to explore.

Anonymous said...

Happy Monday and Happy SITS day! I'll come back later when you get your 3 posts up!

Joy@TPMG said...

What a beautiful picture. I hope you are finally feeling better. Happy SITS Day!

The Dapper Darling said...

104...oh my gosh. Take it easy and rest well!

ConnieFoggles said...

I hope that you have someone waiting on you just like you did on your cruise. It's hard to come home after a cruise, such a let down. Even harder to be sick after one. Feel better soon!

Sara E said...

hey.. we had a foreign exchange student live with us years ago when I was 15/16... dang! that was a long time ago (I'm 42 now)... she's from Haugesund ....I did see her a couple years ago when she came back for her 25th high school reunion :)

I hope you feel better soon... and stay bundled up

and.. congrats on your big SITS day :)

Emily said...

Hope you're feeling better soon! Your cruise sounds amazing, as does your blog!

Mesina said...

Oh hope you feel better soon!!!! What a beautiful photo, it looks stunning. Nice to hear your daughter is taking care of you, bless her!

Congrats on your SITS day, enjoy it, even with a temperature!

Laura said...

Great blog you have here. Hope you are feeling better now.

Stopping by from SITS

Anonymous said...

Beautiful view! Just stopped by from SITS

Melissa aka Equidae said...

I passed by to congratulate your SITS day and felt bad knowing you are sick! I hope you get well soon,

I'm a full-time mummy said...

Oooo beautiful! I'd love to go Norway one day if possible! I have a friend (I called him my guardian angel) stays there and I'd really love to visit him with my family if possible... :)

Congrats for your SITS day btw! :D

Unknown said...

awesome picture..

Just stopping by from SITS

Enjoy your SITS Day xxx

now following you xx

Raymonde said...

Hi, Happy SITS day. Hope you get better real soon. Beautiful photo of the snow. Have a good week. Regards. xxx

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day! I am hoping that you are feeling much better now.

Maxie Gregg said...

I love the photo, poor you with the flu, though. Get well soon!

The Blonde Duck said...

Happy SITs day! You seem like a fabulous lady!

Elizabeth D. said...

What a bummer to come home from an awesome vacation with a flu! At least it's pretty outside. Happy SITS day to you, your blog is lovely, I love all the photographs!

Michie said...

Popping in from SITS! Congrats on your featured day! I love the photo you took.

Have a great week. : )

BLOGitse said...

Oh no, get well soon!
Have a great SITS day!
Greetings from a Finnish blogger living in Cairo at the moment! :)

Coryanne Ettiene | Kitchen Living with Coryanne said...

Hi, I have just found your blog and really enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing and stay warm.

Steph said...

Happy SITS day! Hope you start to feel better.

Steph @ A Grande Life

Queenie Jeannie said...

OH no!! You're sick on your special SITS Day!!

Orchardviewcottage said...

Beautiful Pic!! Hope you feel better soon!!

Dalia (Generation X Mom) said...

12 year olds are great like that! Feel better!

Christina Lee said...

Awww... feel better! Happy SITS Day!

Annie @ astonesthrowfrominsanity said...

Feel better! Looking forward to checking out your blog. Happy SITS!

Anonymous said...

Well, con-grat-u-la-tions to you! Not on being sick, of course, but for being the FB today!
I'm going to snoop around now...take care and hope that by now you are feeling much better:)

Montessori Moments said...

I hope you feel better soon!
You are welcome to visit my blog, but be sure to bring a blanket and a cup of hot cocoa. We are int the middle of a blizzard.

Sandy said...

Happy SITS day! Enjoy the attention.

Gorgeous view! But this is close enough for me to be in such a place in winter. Hope by now you are feeling better.

AmericanTribal said...

Congratulations on your SITS Day! :)
I hope you feel better soon!

Your blog is so pretty and it looks beautiful where you live!

Pam said...

Happy SITS Day! Hope you have recovered from your flu.

Rebecca Jo said...

You're sick during your SITS day? That's horrible! Hope you are feeling better soon!!!

MeghanM said...

Happy SITS day!

Unknown said...

Hello there in beautiful Norway! Sorry you're sick but hope you enjoy the love today. I stopped by from Sits to say "HI". I'm hoping to come to Norway in a year so I may be stopping by often!

Herself said...

So sorry you aren't feeling well SITSta! Isn't it just the way... the hubs goes on a trip and everything bad happens!

Sandy said...

That is a gorgeous picture! Hopefully you are feeling well enough to enjoy your SITSday!

Stephanie Faris said...

THAT is a high fever. Hope you get better soon.

Happy SITS day!

Jen said...

Happy SITS day! Hope you've recovered from your flu and cold! NO FUN!!

Enjoy your day!

Caroline said...

Happy SITS day! I know it must be so exciting!

Melissa said...

I'm bed-ridden this morning, too, with an injured foot (a short but embarrassing story). I will try to send some sparkly blogspiration thoughts your way today. Happy SITS day!

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day! Love the pics!

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

Happy Sits day!! :) The cruise sounds wonderful!

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Oh my! Sorry to hear you are so sick, yet you must be very dedicated to your blog! You picture is icy and lovely.
I am so glad to meet you. I'll stop back when you are feeling better.
I said a prayer that God would comfort and heal you!

Ellie said...

stunning pic - but what a way to come home! Get better soon.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Happy SITS day! Hope you are feeling better!


Anonymous said...

stopping in from sits, hope you fell better soon! anne

Jenny said...

Happy SITS day! Hope you feel better soon enough to enjoy it! Even not feeling good you had time for a gorgeous picture and a happy post!

Unknown said...

HAPPY SITS Day! stay warm and get better soon!

c2cmom said...

A gal after my own heart: Tulsa, Norway, beautiful Crete - I'm glad I found your blog!

Happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

Good sorry to hear you were so sick following your cruise! I hope you're feeling much better these days. I know how much it can exhaust and drain your energy!!! Stopping by from SITS!!!

KimMalk said...

Congratulations on your SITS day, I'm looking forward to checking out your blog.

Stacy Uncorked said...

So sorry you had to come home from an awesome vacation only to get sick! Hope you feel better soon - Happy SITS Day! :)

Unknown said...

Hope you are feeling better now! Congrats on your SITS day!

Lynda said...

Oh Gute Besserung!!

What a day to be a Celebrity.. keep warm, drink plenty of fluids.. have fun.

Popped over from SITS

zigszoo said...

Happy SITS day! I want to go on a cruise, how fun!

Crafty Girls Workshop said...

Happy SITS day in the Sun, hopefully our comments will help warm you up. I hope you're feeling better today.


(I lived in Stillwater when I was little, it was a sweet town.)

xoxoKrysten said...

Stopping by from SITS to wish you a happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better. Happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful picture. I hope your feeling better and some of the cold outside has creeped in a dropped that fever of yours!

Happy SITS day!


Jen @ After The Alter said...

Hope you feel better soon! Happy SITS day!!!

Carrie said...

Sorry you have the flu. Feel better soon. Thera-flu always helps me. :)
Love to see all that snow. I am not sure sure and minus 10 degrees tho. That is way to cold for me.
HAPPY SITs day to you!

Unknown said...

I hope you get to feeling better soon! Your blog is beautiful. :)

Unknown said...

I hope you get to feeling better soon! Your blog is beautiful. :)

Kmama said...

Happy SITS day. I hope you feel better soon. Cute blog!

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day. Congrats on your feature!!! Off to look around and follow you.

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon! It's 40 degrees here in Maine this morning. We seem to be having a brief January thaw!

Anonymous said...

Get better soon! Today is your SITS day!

pink and green mama MaryLea said...

Happy SITS day!!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

norway...awesome! the picture is fab...but i think i would pick the cruise instead. :) happy FB day!!!

InspiredDreamer said...

Happy SITS day! I hope all these comments help you to feel better! :)

Have an Extraordinary Day!

bj said...

A lovely photo.
xo bj

Mrsbear said...

Stopping by to congratulate you on you SITS day.

Cold temps and a flu make for an uncomfortable situation. Hope you feel better soon. :)


Congrats on your SITS day and I'm sorry you're feeling so poorly! Take care of yourself.

Dawn said...

Happy SITS day!! I hope you are feeling better soon!! I hate being sick! Try to enjoy your SITS day!

bj said...

My comment posted before I could finish..
HAPPY SITS DAY from one sistha to another!!
xo bj

Sherri said...

Happy SITS Day! I hope you are feeling much, much better soon.

Paloma said...

I hope you are feeling well now! Happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon. Love your blog. I'm Swedish.

Maria @BOREDmommy said...


Blue&White said...

Happy SITS day! I hope you are feeling in tip top shape real soon!! :)

Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

Happy SITS Day! Speedy recovery!

JennyMac said...

Happy SITS day! Its a gorgeous picture.

Beth's Blog said...

I hope you feel better soon!
Happy sits day!

Kirsty said...

Happy SITS day, I hope you are feeling much better today! You have such an appealing blog. I'm off to look around a little more..

jaz@octoberfarm said...

happy sits day! sorry you are so sick. nice to have a good son to take care of you!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you are sick! That is a really high fever for an adult. I hope you are OK.

Enjoy your SITS day, if you can.

Jeannie, Jane, Angel, Mommy, etc.. said...

Just stopping in from SITS! Hope you get to feeling better.

The Dutch Girl said...

Happy SITS day! All these lovely comments should warm your heart and help you get better, if you aren't already!

Busted Kate said...

I hope you're feeling better!! Congrats on your SITS day, and hope you had a wonderful time on your cruise.

Congrats on your SITS Day!

Kelley said...

Visiting from SITS! Feel better soon!

Young Wife said...

Hope you're feeling better! Congrats on your SITS Day!

Anonymous said...

Yikes that's a scary fever. Feel better soon!

Kristy K said...

It's good to find you on here! I can't wait to see more of your posts!

Virginia Mom said...

The pictures from Norway are wonderful- I wish I was there in the snow! It's raining like crazy here in VA today....blah! Hope you have gotten over the flu!

CaneWife said...

What an awful way to end a vacation. :( Hope you are feeling better soon. Stopping by from SITS and you have a beautiful blog!

Unknown said...

You poor thing! I really hope that you are getting to feeling better soon, hun! That flu sounds absolutely miserable.

{{hugs}} and gorgeous picture!

Stopping by from SITS! Happy Monday!

Unknown said...

Happy Sits Day! Feel better!

Regina said...

Hope you feel better soon. Thank goodness for mommies lil boys. They love to spoil us.

Happy SITS day!!!


Gosia said...

Happy SITS day! What a beautiful view to have from a kitchen window. Hope you will feel better real soon. I can't believe you're blogging while sick - what commitment! Fortunately,there is plenty of wishes for your good health in these comments.

Melissa Miller said...

~Ah! I hope you feel better soon.

Congrats on your SITS Day!

Shell said...

Happy SITS day!

The Whites said...

Hate to hear you are ill. Hope you are better soon. We leave for a cruise on Thursday. Can't wait!!

Happy SITS day! Enjoy it!

Carla said...

What a beautiful photo!! I'm visiting from SITS:), feel better, heal fast, and enjoy the view:)

leigh hewett said...

Happy SITS day! I hope that you feel better soon.

♥ Brittany Ciara ♥ said...

Visiting from SITS! Congrats on being featured. :)

Traci said...

Coming from SITS. I hope that you are all well now and enjoying your Sweeter Life.

The Style Mansion said...

Hope you get better soon. What a beautiful view to have outside your kitchen window. Congratulations on your sits day!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better, but I must say that view is beautiful! Happy SITS day!

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

Beautiful picture..get better soon!
Stopped by from SITS!!

Liz Mays said...

Happy SITS day! That really does look gorgeous!!!!

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

Sits sent me here to check how you are getting on. Get well soon.

Holyoke Home said...

Nothing worse than being sick away from home. Totally bummer.

Happy SITS day!

pixielation said...

Happy SITS day, I hope you feel better now!

Alexis Voltaire said...

Wow, that is beautiful! Won't see anything like that in Florida :)

Lori said...

Hope your SITS day is making you feel better!

Pamela Gold said...

Stopping in from SITS!

What a gorgeous view right outside your window! Feel better!

Star Forbis said...

Congrats on being the featured Blogger, hope you feel better soon!

Nicole said...

That is such a beautiful photo! Happy SITS day to you!! :) I already follow you and love reading your stuff, glad other people get to as well today from SITS! :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling better. Maybe all of these comments can help.

Happy SITS Day!

Jo said...

Congratulations on being todays SITS featured blogger.

Hope you get to feeling better soon so you don't miss out on all this SITS love.

Peace and serenity,
'The End Of The Rainbow: Life After Bankruptcy'

Tammy said...

Happy SITS Day to you! Enjoy your special day!

Brandie said...

Happy SITS day! Hope you feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Happy SITS Day! I hope you feel better soon! I just got over the flu as well and it is no fun! You will get through it. Sounds like you have a lot of help. Take care!

Darcel said...

Happy SITS Day!

Katie said...

oh yuck - the flu is no good at all - I certainly hope you weren't sick too long and the weather has warmed up!


brokenteepee said...

Sorry you are not feeling well and hope are doing better.
Happy SITS day!

Emma said...

Visiting from SITS! I would love to visit Norway some day. Feel better!

SharleneT said...

A nice hot toddy should make you all better -- or, at least, you won't mind so much! Happy SITS day!

Marie said...

Well I hope your flu is gone and that you are all better!

Mandi Miller said...

I hope you feel better soon! Stay warm! Happy SITS day!!

Natalie@Endless Crafting said...

Hoping you are feeling better...visiting from SITS!

Cristelle Joann said...

have a nice day ! from the sissterhood

Becki@BloggingObsession said...

Norway - what a blast!!!

Megan/Brassy Apple said...

fellow newbie SITS girl here!

so fun to meet you. Sorry you had to end your trip by being sick! :( no fun at all!

Unknown said...

It's so beautiful. I have a few cousins who live in Norway, but I've never gotten a chance to visit yet. Congratulations on your SITS day!!

Teresa Perea said...

Happy SITS day!! Cute blog!

Joanna said...

Congrats on your SITS day and I hope you are feeling better.

Mommy Kennedy said...

Coming by through SITS.

Feel better soon!

Dee said...

Happy SITS day! The picture you took is beautiful! What a view!

The Only Girl said...

Just stopping by from SITS.

Romy said...

Happy SITS Day! Stay warm, that's a cold place!

Annie said...

Hi, is my first time here. So sad you are sick on your SITS Day.

Hope you recovers soon.

Take care

LinLori said...

Oh, goodness! So sorry to hear you came home with a flu! Glad you are being well taken care of. What a beautiful photo!

And Happy SITS Day!

Candace said...

Happy SITS day!! Sorry you have to be sick through it though!! It looks like you live in gorgeous place though! I know how it is to live in the negative degree weather though!UGH! Hope you feel better!

Sew Can Do said...

Lovely photo - sounds chilly out there! Stopping by from SITS:)

Sevi said...

Happy SITS day! Amazing picture and get better soon :)

Ma What's 4 dinner said...

Oh wow! I hope you're feeling better soon!

Happy SITS day!

Alex aka Ma What's for Dinner?

PJ said...

Hey Gal! Just wanted to say I enjoyed your blog, and I also visited your son's blog. He's a doll. I found your site through SITS, so Happy SITS day. Come by and chat when you get a chance. Please get to feeling better. I can't imagine having that high of a fever! I always thought anything above 103 could be fatal. I never let mine get above 101 without going to the doctor. You are a brave soul.

Love & Prayers,


Vodka Logic said...

Beautiful picture and Happy SITS day.. I hope you get better soon. :)

Elisabeth said...

Hope you feel better!

RainSplats said...

you still out? it's been a while....your blog misses you!

Jessica said...

Happy Sits Day!!! I hope this finds you feeling better:)

Shawn said...

Hope you feel better soon! Congrats on your SITS day!! Great pic---but too cold for me!

P.s.---I have a friend that lives in Norway----super gal....

Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better! You are right, that is a wonderful view!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day!!!

Meg said...

hope you feel better soon! Happy SITS day!

Linda said...

Please take care of yourself! Have a peaceful SITS day (and the mom in me has to say - call your doctor please)

Lifeofkaylen said...

Wow--that's a GREAT view!!!

I hope you get better soon. Happy SITS day!

Unknown said...

stopping by from sits...congrats on your special day
hope you feel better very soon...being sick is a drag!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful photo & a lovely view! I hope you are feeling better soon.

Happy SITS feature day & hi from SITS

Quasi Serendipita said...

Hope you're feeling better! Congrats for being featured blogger :)

Heather said...

Happy SITS Day! Hope you are feeling better.

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Oh, sorry you don't feel well, and on your special day too! Bummer. :(

Happy SITS Feature Day!! Get well soon.

Katherine said...

Wow, it really is gorgeous out there! Even if it is snow.

Happy SITS day!

Lourie said...

I sure hope you are back on your feet. This flu is a nasty one!! Happy SITS day!

Skooks said...

It does look so lovely where you are. Stopping by from SITS. :)

Hope you are well soon.

Becky @ Babes in Hairland said...

Stopping by from SITS to say hi. Enjoy your day in the spotlight! Off to take a look around!

The Green Family said...

Stopping by from SITS, hope you get feeling better!

Rhiana @ A Frugal Life said...

Ahhh, hope you feel better. Love your blog design, it's so pretty!

Debbie @ OtRD said...

Congrats on your day!

Marit Bockelie said...

hello! nice to meet you here thought SITS! your blog is so sweet and happy, such a nice read. i love norway and hope to visit again soon!
take care,

Leiah said...

Stopping by from SITS. Sorry you're down with the crud but what a glorious view from your kitchen! Wishes for a speedy recovery for you!

The Lady's Lounge said...

That photo makes having a fever sound cozy, if you can snuggle up on the couch and look out on that.
Hope you're feeling better soon.

Annie said...

boo...sorry that you are sick on your SITS day!! BUT, hoping that all of the coments will cheer you up!!

Margarita Bloom said...

Happy SITS to you!! Congrats on being featured! Awww, I'm sooo sorry you're not feeling good! I don't think I'd have the energy to blog if I was sick...colds always kick my butt when I get them. lol... Get better!!

Jen said...

Feel better soon! I just found you through SITS!

MommyToTwoBoys said...

Oh my goodness that picture is beautiful! I am just starting at it wishing I had that kind of view right now.

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