Where to eat these last couple of days?
Which restaurants had we not had time to try yet?
Which restaurants did we want to visit again?
How could we find the time to visit them all?
Maybe we shoud go out for both lunch and dinner?
These are important questions in a food-lovers family. And the reason none of us are SKINNY.
The talented Cate Blanchett is SKINNY! She is really, really SKINNY. Have you ever wondered why?
I watched Cate Blanchett on Oprah. Oprah asked her if she had any favorite foods. Cate looked at her with a puzzled expression. Favorite foods? This seemed like the most difficult question she had ever been asked. After much thinking she shook her head slightly and explained that she had for a while been really into müseli. She only ate müseli for a couple of years! But was it her favorite... no, not really. It was clear that Cate had never ever in her life thought about what her favorite food was. This intrigued Oprah as much as it did me and she kept on asking: "Well, if you had ONE LAST MEAL, what would it be?" Again Cate looked at her with bewilderment. You could see her mind spinning trying to find the right answer... after all she was on Oprah. After a couple of seconds she said hesitantly: "If it was my last meal I guess I would have a bowl of WHITE RICE!"
And that my girls, is the reason why Cate Blanchet is so skinny!
White Rice? White Rice? I guess I wouldn't want her to come to a dinner party because she wouldn't rave about the yum food. I'm all about moderation. But White Rice? I think I need a venti frappucino! Right Now! With Whip Cream! What? I won't look good in that blockbuster movie if I have that? Rats!
I'm sitting here putting on my make up while reading your post and every now and then I catch a glimpse of my wobbly upper arms in the mirror......I now know where I'm going wrong. Thanks.....
I must NOT obsess with food,not have favourite foods, I must live on white rice and museli.
I can't live without rice erks ! It's our staple menu, I could only survive for two days without 'em, If I go much longer, believe me I'll be eating as much as I can as if there will be no tomorrow hahaha I'm very BAD on food
For me, eat all I want but make the portion as little as I can
BTW, thanks for visiting my blog :)
Aww. I've heard that there are people in this world who eat to live rather than live to eat and that makes me sad. I love my food and I wouldn't be able to answer the last question on Oprah because I'd be doing a Tom Cruise on the couch shouting..."smoked salmon and scrambled eggs!...no, NO....steak frites!...No, wait....antipasti....but then there is freshly baked bread, olives, sunblushed tomatoes....." You see, I'd need a day to have my last meal. A whole day. And that is why I'm not skinny. I'm not fat either but I ain't and will never be skinny. :O) xx
white rice- that is the best she could come up with? I guess I have a long way to go before I get skinny...
* Stopping by to say hello and you were before me on Yulz blog. :-)
Um! White Rice would have not been a last meal request for me. Lol I see exactly why she's so skinny.
I love Cate but this just took a few points away. White Rice? I think she needs to read my blog and go eat at Craft! haha!
I used to love her - now I don't. White rice may qualify her for the h-a-t-e word. Ugh. I adore food - love it - obsessed with it. Skinny is overrated, especially when it's accompanied by boring (white rice is boring).
btw, came over from yulz :)
Wow.... May be she really is an Elf, so doesn't need any human food?.... God... She made me feel like a fatty. :))))))
P.S. Must say, though, that one of my favourite foods is porridge.
And that is why I am not as skinny as Cate Blanchett.
I sure as hell won't be picking rice as my last meal!
white rice?!?! geez i don't know if i could be friends with her....
So sad. Now whenever I'm getting ready in the morning and cursing about not being SKINNY, I'll remember this and be happy for the fact that I have favorite foods. Lots and lots of favorite foods. :)
Hard to believe! If Oprah asked me that question I may have the same bewildered look - but it would be because I wouldn't be able to choose just ONE favourite food! Poor Cate :(
Yes, but she probably isn't happy. I bet her stomach growls all the time! lol
ohhh my Dear Lord! First she's too skinny /the question is if you're skinny, can you be too skinny?/
second - I prefer to be curvy and eat healthy. I mean I don't eat any fat food, but favorite food musli? Your last meal white rice? what about quatro fromaggi pizza??? that would be mu choice!
Thank you for stopping by! Was nice to see you around once again! Hope it will continue!
bisous and enjoy your last days in Spain!
Even if I can't think of an answer fast enough, my mouth always answers NACHOS...
She needs to get out more, no wonder she always looks so sad - white rice? I'm suprised Oprah didn't laugh her off the stage. Great blog by the way!!
What the.....??
If somebody asked me that question I would be able to reel off a whole list, instantly. And all of it would be fattening.
Hmmmm.... I wonder how long I could last on the Cate Blanchett Muesli and White Rice diet?? Ummm... 4 hours?!
And there was me being chuffed that I lost 4lbs at fat club last night. Oh what Celebville does to a person.
LBM xxx
She should live a little. Oh and she should be eating Brown Rice it is better for you. HA HA.
Myyyy goodness people!! Someone up here said "white rice? Is that best you can do?" I say knowing how Blanchett is, she was probably thinking the same thing to Oprah asking such childish questions knowing she can "do better" asking more question. Anyway, white rice is DELICIOUS if made properly. Also museli is delish!! Hey not everyone think or feels same way about certain things!! Another thing idlike to add is, she is NOT a sad human being. She's a catch. You either get her, or you don't. She has a reasonable diet, that suits HER needs, not yours! If you read up more on her, her diet is a smart one, and she also detoxes etc. don't worry about her if you're gonna be saying things that are unintelligent just because you don't agree with her. Smh lol
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