Today is the 15th of July and the drawing for my Country Living Giveaway. Thank you to all that have participated! It wouldn't have been much fun without you;)
I have written down all the tickets and placed them in my mom's favorite vase. She used to love tulips. I thought it looked more festive than just a plastic bowl from the kitchen.
Well, to help me out I enlisted my daughter and husband. He held the vase and she picked the winner.

She rummaged for awhile before she finally pulled out a ticket...
And the winner is............drumroll................

Congratulations Vale! I'm so happy for you! Hopefully, you'll enjoy this magazine in months to come. Now you just need to send me all your details to so that I can order the giftsubscription.
Please visit Vale at her beautiful blog if you want to be truly inspired. I have taken the liberty to include a little information about her and her blog:
And if you didn't win this time - don't worry! I'll be back with more fun givaways!
Thanks so munch for your lovely comment on my first "PINK SATURDAY" post. I really appreciate it.
Well done to Vale! Fantastic prize to win.
Isabelle x
Gratulerer til Vale!
Nanniklem :)
I cannot believe it!!!! Thank you so much!!!! I'm very happy!!! I've never won and now in few days...twice!!!!May be my life is changing!!! I'll send you an email with my details!
Thank you again!
Big hugs
What a fun way to go about picking the winner! haha
Gratulerer til Vale. Og Jaaaaaaaa ... vi elsker trøstepremier. Me want. Me want!!
He he ... nyt det spanske livet du lever med tapas og deilige viner. *misunnelig*
Klem fra Marit
congrats vale!
Congratulations to the winner!!
Og snupp!!
For en nydelig historie, snakk om bloggemateriale!
Du kan jo ha en hel serie gående med kartong èn og kartong to....
Du er jammen heldig som har så mange minner på lur.....
Jeg har ikke det, men mine foreldre flyttet fra stort hus, til rekkehus til leilighet i en periode på fem år....og nå er mer enn halvparten på lager....
Der er det mange skatter...
Alt fra en strøken grammafon i skap, til veltepetter. (vet du hva det er, det er nok et bergensk navn på det, tror jeg...)KLEM!
I'm looking forward to a new contest - haven't quite decided what it will be... Stay in touch!
And Vale...I'm ordering your gift subscription tomorrow!
Thanks for stopping by my family blog the other day! I know that I missed the contest but are those pictures from your backyard? Such a beautiful view! Looks like vacation!!
Come by my other blog (that I update more often) if you have a chance sometime!
Love your blog!
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