Well, for those of you who read my post yesterday Walking the red carpet you got a glimps of one of my favorite pair of shoes - my beloved GEOX sandals. (In silver) I'll tell you more about those another day - promise! But anyway, they got me thinking... Maybe I should do a Pink Saturday Post about pink shoes? That would be a winner! So for the pink-loving ladies that visit me from Beverly's blog here we go:
Shoes, shoes, shoes
or my subtitle : How I got thrown out of the shoe store by an angry italian babe
I don't have any pink shoes myself (a pair of pink Converse... a long time ago), but I knew just the store to find them. Right here in Spain they have an italian store named Psyco - yeah, I know, it's all in the name! (It turned out to be quite fitting too...) Where would I find better shoes for my post? So off I went - with my descrete little camera - to take some pictures of shoes that had that special, let's say pisazz...
Now inside Psyco you'll only ever see VERY slim, tanned, bleached blond or raven black haired women in skinny white jeans and tight tops that have glitter on them and are just short enought that you can see a little diamond in their bellybutton when they strech to get a shoe off the top shelf. They wear designer sunglasses in their hair, Gucci on their arm and usually have a much older husband (lover?) in tow... The girls that work there look exactly the same, minus the husband of course!
The Look
(this is Victoria B and NOT a real customer, but this is The Look...)
So maybe I looked a little out of place? With my 5 year old in tow (in lew of the husband), salty beachhair (neither blond, nor raven), plastic bags from the grocery store (in lew of Gucci), NOT skinny white jeans (for reasons you'll understand later...) and absolutely NO glitter on my top or diamond in my bellybutton. I did have a pair of designer sunglasses in my hair though! Should have made them treat me better, I think!
Well, the even skinnier than usual girl came over to me and took about 5 seconds while she stared at me letting her dark eyes scan my whole body, up and down and up and down - and then with a frown (REALLY!) she asked: Dsooo jouuu vant anising ere? It was clear that she thought I could never in a million years wear any of their shoes. (Actually, she was pretty right about that - I would NOT even be able to walk over to the mirror in most of the shoes there. But she could pretend, couldn't she?)
"Tiiiis are schooos for schpesial vomen and schpesial ocashions", she proclaimed with one perfectly plucked eyebrow all the way up to her hairline. (Probably one of their slogans, but coming from her it sounded like an insult. Why wouldn't she think I was a special woman that had LOTS of special occasions to attend?)
I tried to brush of the insult and smiled as sweetly as I could. "I'm writing about shoes on my blog and would love to take a few pictures!" The girled starred at me as if I was crazy: "Tat is forbidden!" She actually yelled! And all the other customers (two of the above mentioned type) turned and looked at me as if I had asked to sniff her shoes or maybe borrow a pair. "No pictures and NO riting about tis schtore - it is forbidden!" she repeated this time a little louder even. I felt like the worst criminal and tried to redeem myself with a humble look while I mumbled: "Sorry, I'll just have a look around then..."
Now the friggin little wasp (sorry, I was getting pretty angry by this time) started pushing me against the exit while she kept snarling at me: "Go avay! No pictures!" Gee, I had gotten that point by now! Then she added the words that made me go a little over the edge: "Go avay I say - no pictures. Tiiis are not schooos for biiiiig ladies!"
I couldn't believe my ears! I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures while that little tiny italian babe tried to push me through the doorway with little success. Her 5 inch heels were sliding on the slippery tile floor and her little twig arms didn't stand a chance...
HA! Sometimes it's good to be a "big lady"!
I'm usually not the one to bend the rules and cause a scene, but give me a break!
So here are my FORBIDDEN shots of crazy pink shoes! (And a few others that I managed to take on my way out....)
Clearly you must also be "Psyco" to work there. What a nut job. Super cute shoes! I can wear heels really easily but at the end of the night when I take them off my feet are a hot mess and I instantly regret it.
OMG I would have had to snap that little Italian bitch in half!!! I love that walked out snapping away!!! Freakin awesome!!!!
LOL you can't be serious LOL what a little wacko. I can't believe you didn't sock her one when she said shoes are not for big girls. Ummm Hello...My fist is for you girl!
lUV LUV LUV the pictures they are gorgeous
SIts girl stopping by to say hello
COme on by for a laugh:
lol! You should've put her pic on your blog - I'm sure it was hilarious! Some people are so rude!
Thank you for risking your life for us, your readers :) Too funny!
Geesh, how rude of the lady! :(
Thanks for posting a comment on my blog. :D
From a SITStah!
:) fabulous!
Hello Ann.
Happy PS and a nice week ahead.
loòl---good job u did no one should insultand as you said should could have pretend like normally ppl do! Thanks for passing y my blog
Dreamgirl, I am giving you the "purple heart" for bravery for going in there and getting those pics. I can see that little gals feet just sliding all over the place trying to push you out the door. I laughed and laughed. This was so cute. Happy Pink Saturday. You Go Girl! I have signed up to follow your blog. I can't wait to see where you go next. Please pop over and say hi. I would love to have you sign up to follow my blog as well. Country Hugs, Sherry
Love it! You snapping your way out of Psyco store and Psycho B$%#'s way!
Ah, but love the shoes! Oh how do love them,...
Oh,... yeah,.. I forgot to thank you for the visit and comment on my blog!
Much much appreciated!
"Happy Saturday Sharefest"
what strange shoes!!!
Wow! So glad you were above me on SITS Saturday Sharefest list! At least you got a few shots before Psycho lady got you out. But, as it's forbidden, you may be on your way to the pen for violating both the no pictures & the no writing rule. Do Spanish jails have the Internet?
LOL! - SO glad you took the pics :)
Thanks for visiting my blog - no not Ikea, but I looked at their lots!
The lights are from a diy store here called B&Q - I saw them on a UK photographers blog last year, and knew I really wanted them!
Have a super happy Sharefest Saturday :)
Thanks so much for your comment over at my blog. I didn't think someone would actually think my handwriting is fine. I see what you mean. I too have seen worse hand writings out there. Most from doctor's receipts. lol! I don't know how Pharmacists do it to understand them.
Good luck with your blogging. You seem to have it. Excellent! :D
Running out... will visit you all later tonight;)
OMG!! I cant stand sales girls like that! She probably didnt even know what a blog was, stupid thick pink shoe wearing stick woman. There. Im angry for you. Indignant, even.
Good blog...Gonna follow u here too! x
You go! Those shoes were crazy..I mean psyco.
...stopping by from SITS...
Sorry, I had to delete my first comment because of typos!
Oh my gosh, that woman was a terror! She would have definitely brought out the tiger in me! The name of the shop is appropriate, don't you think!
I love how you went ahead an snapped photos while she was trying to shoo you out the door. Great story!
Happy Pink Saturday!
What a bitch! She's a total nutcase, fersuure. I'd be uber pissed too if I were you!
But I still looove shoe stores, haha.
Happy Saturday Sharefest to you too! :D
NO friggin' WAY!!!!!!! ahahahahaha snap away!
victoria has style i wont lie about that!
and i'd kill to be as brave as she is to walk the streets with heels as high as that!
♥Happy Pink Satuday♥
Really cold (50s) in upper Michigan today with a dark sky. I need all the pink I can get this morning. Thanks so much for helping lift my spirits!
So happy that you are still in one piece to share your story...hilarious!
Wishing you a weekend filled with sunshine and happiness.
Wow..absolutely wonderful pink shoes..
Happy PS
OMG! This is too funny! Glad you got some pictures even though you were being kicked out... That'll show her! I don't think I could walk in these shoes... Happy Sharefest Saturday! :)
What a horrible experience! If I were you, I'd find out who owned that store or who sold shoes to them and tell them how you were treated.
I would have been sorely tempted to throw a pail of water on that woman to see if she melted! As it is, she gives the Wicked Witch of the West some stiff competition!
How did she know that you didn't have a skinny minny sister who happened to be a movie star who could buy and sell them ten times over??? Or that you weren't an actress from the US and would tell everyone in show business NOT to shop there??? Or that Oprah was not your best friend??? There's an idea, email a link from this post to Oprah!
That shoe hag ought to be fired for tacky and tasteless behavior! I'm glad you took these pictures. I hope everyone on Pink Saturday sees them and tells ALL of their friends and acquaintances to never EVER go in that store!
This story made me fighting mad, and I don't get mad! LOL! I am now!
Happy Pink Saturday...
Sheila :-)
Hee hee, what a funny post! Just loved it! Happiest of Pink Saturdays to you!
I totally love that you took the pictures anyway!! I really am in awe! And the pictures turned out great!
thanks for stopping by my blog
Tzat waz you?
100 points for you. 0 for psyco shoe witch.Thank you for stopping by my blog. Missy Lovin Life
Great post! A glimpse into a life I have no clue about, but what fun to have a look. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Sally
What a terrific post, I just loved it! You should have taken HER picture and posted it...LOL.. Happy Pink Saturday...
I'm sorry, I am still trying to get myself off the floor from laughing. I cannot BELIEVE that you actually got treated like that, but I am rolling over the fact that you have a great set of pictures from the shoe store!!! How in the world did you still snap them? And the fact that she couldn't push you out of the store? What a riot. AK you are the best!!!!!!
HAHAA! That's awesome! you shoulda snagged a picture of the waif that worked there! Lol...u brave woman!
cute shoes!!! sometimes making a scene is necessary to have a laugh ;-) at their expense of course!
Unbelieveable!! Nothing makes me madder than lousy, rude customer service! Oooo... good for you for standing up to her. You didn't need her foo-foo shoes to do that, did ya?!?!
Thanks for visiting my blog, from one "uncool" mom to another. (And, as you read in my post, I mean that as a good and necessary thing!) I think you are actually a very cool PERSON! ;0)
Happy Saturday Sharefest!
WHAT A GREAT POST! Oh my gosh. So funny. And how appropriate, the name of the store. Oh that's a keeper.
You did her accent perfect! LMAO! Love it!
So glad you got the pictures:)
So, what you're telling us is that she was the owner of the store and it carried her name! All I have to say is Good For You! Stand up to those snooty shop keepers - no matter what country they're in or language they speak!
Oh, but I do wish you would have gotten a picture of her to show all of us! I also wish you would have started shouting back at her just as loudly that she was threatening your child with her aggressive behavior. Turn the tables and make her the bad guy! Tell her you're taking her picture to show the police and destroy her peace of mind for a little while. Aren't I evil?
Oh, forgot to tell you to check out the post I did a few months ago on pink shoes from Las Vegas. How did I get away with it? Through the windows. They can't control that!
Happy Saturday Sharefest!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Bumblebees and BugLadies
HI! I found your blog on SITS. LOVE this post. It's sooo funny! I'm following you now.
OMGosh! I am about to fall out of the chair laughing! Would have loved to be a fly on the wall. Who did she think she was? Oh wait, I know - she was so crabby because she was HUNGRY!!!!! should have offered her something with a ton of sugar - I'm sure that's what she needed or CHOCOLATE!!! Skinny creep! Some people - I just don't understand.
Aauuggghh how rude! Well, even at the first words that came out her mouth was already not nice. "Do you want anything here?" Hhhmmm let me see, can I at least have a look around first? LOL It's their job to be nice to customers.
Then again the name of the store - - - does it explain such behavior? LOL
What a psyco fo shoo! Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!
I have had that happen in the past. What's sad for them is that I only go shopping in places where I have the money to buy something. :::visiting from SITS:::
Wow, and they say Americans are rude!! I don't even think those shoes are cute--they look like stripper shoes. You are too good for that store. ;)
Visiting from SITS. Your blog is awesome!
Missed Pink Saturday... again!
Great post.
I am glad you took your pictures any way, what a terrible way for some one to treat you.
The shoes are very "sexy"... but, I am sure I'd fall off those sparkly ones and break my neck, and the way that she treated you,I'd walk right by her skinny, over sparkled, stuffy store!!!
HPS, you gutsy girl you.
Super cute pink shoes! Thanks for sharing and also your visit to my blog.
I actually laughed out loud when I read your post. HILARIOUS!! I truly believe that skinny people are just cranky because they are soo hungry. They are jealous of us beeg ladies because we are well fed. I love your blog, and hope you have a wonderful weekend. Valarie
OMG, how rude! You are right about the Psycho name...so appropriate for the sales lady. I am glad you kept on taking pictures. I would be defiant too if treated that way. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I would love for you to join me in Sightseeing Sat. one of these weekends...Christine
Now that is some dedication to get some pink pictures!!..lol...psyco indeed!!! OMG ..you have me just giggling...what a good writer you are & what a funny story.
Thank you for stopping by to visit my blog. I truly enjoyed my visit at yours.
Happy pink days this week. xo Tami
That was one crazy b..ch! Glad you snapped away at the shoes before you left!
I actually do have a pink pair of shoes..., summer sandals with a bit of an animal print (for special occasions)..., have not worn them yet this year though.
Don't you just hate those skinny little . . . . If only they would eat something!
I love the shoes, but they're shoes that you take other shoes along with you to change into at some point in your day/evening . . . my feet hurt just thinking about it! LOL!!
You must be commended on your bravery and for standing your ground! You go girl!
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comments!
Hope you had a great Pink Saturday!
Teresa the MiniMadWoman
Love the pink shoes! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Damn! Thanks for taking one for the team! Should have asked her if she sat in chocolate before you left.
Oh gosh! I was giggling. What a dumb bimbo. She's missing out on a whole market of women. Doesn't she know that big women can too wear cute shoes and do! I can't fit in tiny white jeans but I'll bet my feet would fit in some of those sandals!
Thanks for the giggle!! I would have been tempted to pick up a nice spike heel and smack her with it though!
Oh my, I was laughing the entire time I read your post - if it weren't true, I'd think you made it all up!!! I thought it was hilarious! I cannot imagine even wearing shoes like that! Thanks for visiting me today - and leaving such a nice comment. I can't wait till next week to see what story you have to tell! Pink Hugs, Patti
Brilliant post - thanks for sharing - it would make a great sketch!
Could you do one on slippers? For BIG girls of course?
OMGosh! I cannot believe she said that to you! Wow! How do they walk in those shoes? They are beautiful though.
Switch a few details and I have been in this position.
Good for you for holding your ground. Love the stolen shots. To bad you did not post a giant size print of your italian "babe" as well.
Thanks for popping in to my site this week. Loved having your visit.
OMG... GREAT BLOG! Thanks so much for popping over today... Can't wait to read more .. : )
Okay, you totally cracked me up! I wish you'd have posted a picture of the skinny little twit too :)
A very late happy pink Saturday!
Where can i find Psyco Italia shop ? :P Is there a some kind a site where i can see those shoes on web ? :) Im going in summer to italy and i want to visit that amazing shoes shop :) And in autumn im coming to spain.. where there too i can find this shop ? Thank you ;)
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