Monday, June 8, 2009

La Meme???

Today I was tagged by two of my favorite bloggers: Nanni in Nannisverden and Marit in Som mine dager er. They called it La Meme, which I immediately interpreted as something French (which made me nervous...Spanish I can handle, but French???) I still don't understand what La Meme means, but I have understood that I have been tagged with a challenge (Exciting - my first challenge!), so here I go:

- What's on your mind lately?

Being a teacher I have been totally absorbed by school, exams and grades. Now I find myself thinking about blogging ALL the time, I didn't know what I was doing when I signed up for this;)

- What are you wearing today?

Surprise! Black! If you have read my post about self-deception you'll understand why.

- What are you having for dinner today?

My husband is making a taco salad. It's one of my favorite meals and it's even better because HE makes it!

- What do you want to learn?

I have to agree with Marit. I have a secret dream to learn about Photography and to travel the world and take AMAZING pictures. (If I lived in Trondheim I would join you Marit...)

- What are you listening to right now?

I'm listening to Little Einsteins on Playhouse Disney. (I have a five year old, it's not my choice...) They are accompanied by my husbands snoring (he's in the chair, not watching Little Einsteins either).

- What's your favorite weather?

Sunny and warm of course! (That's why I'm going to Spain this summer)

- What's your most challenging goal right now?

Not blogging until the early morning hours would probably be a good goal...

- What do you think about the person who tagged you?

Nanni is a very dear, wonderful, beautiful woman who I know and love. She is one of my closest friends. She is loud, funny, obnoxious, crazy, deep, romantic, philosophical, caring, intelligent and charming. She is unique!

Marit is a new friend here in Blogworld. We have known each other for a about a week, but I think it's the start of an interesting friendship. I'm pretty sure we would hit it off immediately if we met over a glass of rosé wine and a good meal. I think she likes to laugh, enjoys life and loves people. That's my kind of girl! (She loves Spain too... which is a plus in my book!)

-If you could have a house, fully furnished, anywhere in the world - where would it be?

Overlooking the Ocean, preferably on a beautiful beach.... Maybe in the US? (NO, not Alaska...)

- What would you like right now?

MONEY! And if I can't win the lottery I'll settle for chocolate....

- What would you like to get rid off?

All debt (that's why I want the money, right?) and my butt (there because I settle for chocolate!)

- If you could go anywhere in the world the next hour, where would you go?

I would probably go to NYC (never been!) or Seattle (because I have some friends there that I haven't seen in the longest time...)

- What language would you like to learn?


- What do you look for in a friend?

Lots of humor and self-irony. I have to be able to laugh with my friends. I also look for honesty, integrity and loyalty.

- Who would you like to meet?


- What kind of music do you like?

My music taste is simple... give me some of those 80s and 90s tunes and I'm happy.

- What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

Let's see... something black... My black chiffon tunic with turquoise embroidery and jewels probably.

- What's your dream job?

I have to be honest - not teaching! I would love to travel the world with a camera and a suitcase full of great books. (With my family of course!) But that's not a job, is it? Maybe writing for a travel magazine?

I also love houses and having worked as a realtor I think working with real estate (owning and developing) would be fun too.

- Do you have a favorite model?

Human NO! (But maybe a Chrysler Sebring Convertible...)

- If you had $150 right now, what would you spend it on?

I did, and I spent it on two tickets for the Shakespeare performance in the garden at Ramme gård (see post about Secret Garden).

- Describe your style?

Hot and sexy! (hahahah....gottcha!) I guess black, elegant and with a pretty big dose of Bling Bling!

Interior design: I'm a bit schizophrenic, I like so many different styles. That's why I need so many houses! The one by the ocean would be a mixture of whites, beige and pastels. Weatherworn wicker (Riviera Maison) and painted furniture. Romantic New England Style. The one in Tuscany would have dark old wood furniture, terra-cotta floors and tapestries in rich jewel tones. My penthouse apartment in Manhattan would be traditional and elegant with art and books on display. Since I don't have either of these homes as of yet, my house has a mixture of a little bit of everything:)

- What is the latest fashion magazine your read?

Costume, at the doctor's office. I don't read fashion magazines

- The latest CD you bought?

Alison Krauss: A hundred miles or more

- What did you listen to when you were tagged?

Little Einsteins, remember?

- What do you want right now?


And the challenge goes on to fruNelia at Designed To Live. Good luck!


M said...


Så kjekt å bli litt mer "kjent" med deg!
Har også fått denne, så jeg skal i ilden jeg og....
Skal jeg svare deg på engelsk eller norsk. Vil du ha utenlandske lesere helst?
Klem fra meg!

Som mine dager er said...

Thank you for taking this challenge and escpecially for translating all questions into english and your excuisite answers. Litt skrivekrampe?? He he ... det fikk jeg.

Det er SÅ gøy å bli enda bedre kjent med deg. Du skriver jo så knakende godt, og jeg må le flere ganger. Lov meg at du kommer innom meg når du engang tar veien om Trondheim. Rosevin/rødvin (your choice) og mat vil komme på bordet fortere enn du aner. Vi ville nok pratet oss natten igjennom. Føler det bare på meg ;-)

Takk for at du tok utfordringen. Tøft.

Klem fra Marit

Dreamgirl said...

Hei dere!
Joda, det tok litt tid å oversette;) Jeg vurderte å bare skrive på norsk, men vet at jeg nok hadde fått noen kommentarer fra mine amerikanske venninner. Etter at jeg bodde i USA i 5 år har jeg noen som jeg holder kontakten med, og det fungerer jo ganske bra med FB og nå blogg. Men det hender at jeg ANGRER på at jeg begynte denne på engelsk altså.

Til dere vil jeg bare si: ALLE kommentarer er kjærkomne, både engelske og norske. Svar meg gjerne på norsk!

Marit, neste gang jeg kommer til Trondheim tar jeg gjerne en tur innom deg. Jeg tror helt klart at vi hadde funnet tonen;) Både mat og vin hadde blitt mottatt med takk! Invitasjonen gjelder motsatt vei også... velkommen innom dersom du er i Oslo området:)

Ønsker dere en kjempefin uke! igjen takk for at dere har inkludert meg i deres Bloggverden!


Unknown said...

Sweetie... takk for nydelige ord om dette Nannimennesket i livet ditt....
Jeg har vært litt off-blog i det jeg noen dager har kalt Blogmania... Ble helt utslitt av min eget La meme forskning.... ;o)
I morgen venter drøssevis av norsk tent fra vgs-jobben..., så jeg tar kvelden. For i kveld.
Nattaklem fra meg ~

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